Magical things happen inside the sacred Guardian Ancestor shrine.
Iya Vassa will align the path for you to clear away the veils so you can become engaged with a very unique experience. There are sacred herbs in a warm oil treatment done on the dock of the private lake ...opening up your third eye and awaken your senses. Moving next onto a matte connected with the sacred Odu garden where you will open up all your chakras and connect with the matrix’s of each of the Orisha for supporting the movement. You will then go deep inside yourself with a walk into the Labyrinth of the 256 Odu. This brings you to your core! Iya Vassa will bring you into several other areas on the sacred land to connect you with the earth vortexes on the land. Each experience brings together this triangulation that elevates you into the proper alignment.
Taking you inside the Guardian Ancestor shrine and setting you up with a few more special spiritual tools…you will be ready and all that is available to you will unite you with your guardian ancestor spirit. It is an amazing adventure. Iya Vassa will teach you ways you can do this at home and to continue building this communication.