When someone is ready to learn more about themselves and empower their life with the ability to "see and hear" more wisdom and knowledge...
We suggest they take the specific step into the path of Ifa and acquire the tool that specifically brings this energy "more forward".
The Icofa is ceremony that is done without your physical body in front of the ceremony.
(at the end of this section you will find more about how that works)
The reason for getting the Icofa tool would be to have a more "direct connect" ability as well as something that becomes a strengthener for this dynamic and necessary information.
Let's face it...we would all like to "know more". Wouldn't it be great to have the answers to more of your questions? Wouldn't it be great to know more about yourself, your path and your direction to head towards?
The Ifa Foundation makes an individuals Icofa tool during their highest time of Initiations. An order is brought together that formulates the strongest of connections to the depths of the energy used to create your individual Icofa tool.
On the third day afterwards...the Oluwo sits down with your Ikin and performs the Divination with your name in the intent. He is a highly skilled Diviner and has several decades of experience in working with this energy. He is the highest of levels a Babalawo can be become...he is an Oluwo.
He will perform your Divination. He will contemplate and examine how to best pass this wisdom along to you. He will then type all of the information he is given and send it to you through the email and then in the package with your Icofa tool.
This is one of the most important readings you will have in your life.
It is a roadmap...your roadmap!
Having this clarity will bring so much new light to your life. You will be able to see more as your awareness awakens to new levels.
When you receive your package in the mail...(both men and women will receive the same amount of Ikin, a full hand) and you can begin to work with them immediately. You will see instructions along with a list of offerings, prayers and ideas to use in order to appropriately work with this powerful tool.
At the beginning of each month...the Oluwo divines with Orunmila... a larger reading.
It is a reading that encompasses that month. He carefully writes it all up for everyone that has received their Icofa tool from us. You will learn to check in at that time and begin to follow along to become more self-empowered as each month goes by. It is an ongoing process of growth and you will always have our support.
This type of ceremony is done at least once a month out at the Ifa Foundation Retreat called Ola Olu in central Florida. The complete cost for this work is $450. We have had requests from all countries worldwide. We can ship anywhere usually within a two week time frame.
This will give you information about the energy of the month as well as give you an ebbo to follow. You will gain enormous power when you do this regularly!
These ceremonies are done every month for all those that request worldwide.
Your Icofa will be shipped 4 days following the actual ceremony.