Feel an amazing connection with the energy matrix of Oya with one of these in your hand.
Each has spent time inside the portal of the Oya garden…and would be blessed with your name.
Each is a one of a kind…naturally made by Mother Nature.
Holding one shifts into a higher frequency connection with Oya. When you order yours…IyaVassa will take it right into the Oya shrine inside the sacred gardens at Ola Olu and bless it in your name.
You will shifts taking place that will elevate you and free you to flow with more of what is in your highest good…bringing you into another level of what you are capable of.
Clear any past levels and elevate in a more efficient effective way…with the beauty of the facets of these very clear amethysts.
When you place your order…IyaV will set you a small video of which pieces you can chose from. You can pick the one that resonates with you!
Your unique blessed wand or amulet comes with a beautiful prayer to Oya and the rituals completed in your name.