The family of world-renowned Ifa Priest, Oluwo Fagbamila Philip J. Neimark announces his transition into the realm of the enlightened ancestors. The Oluwo peacefully completed his earthly duties on February 10, 2021, and went home to be a beckon of light and inspiration to all those who tap into his eternal love for the Ifa Philosophy. A private memorial service will be held due to the COVID-19 restriction. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Ifa Foundation. Your donations made in the Oluwo’s name will be used in the creation of an Ifa Foundation Trust in order to continue the Foundations work and worldwide presence. Please type in your name, name of the Donor to be listed or Anonymous.
Your donation here will be applied to the Ifa Foundation Trust. The Trust is being created in order to preseve the future of the Ifa Foundation for generations to come.
The Ifa Foundation International is a 501-C-3 and has been in existence since 1980. All donations are tax deductible.