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Esu Obatala

SKU: ST131
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This Esu Obatala has a very powerful antennae…a pointed crystal for piercing darkness and illuminating the future.

Combining the Esu energy with the Obatala energy... one can truly open new thought patterns.  So much is possible with calm clear thinking.  So much more is available to us when we find the combination for unlocking our mind.

With Esu Obatala…you can also feel the support of how there is a shield of protection there for you…working against anything penetrating your mind that is of dark energy.

Upon your request we will begin creating your sacred tool and then bring it into both the Esu and Obatala shrines inside the Sacred Orisa Gardens at Ola Olu.

A certificate of authenticity with the date it was created from the sacred shrines of the Orisha gardens of Ola Olu.  Created with the ashe of Nana Buuken Priest and Iyanifa Vassa and Oluwo Philip Neimark.

Each one is a one-of-a-kind as IyaV opens with the Oracle and is guided.

Allow 1- 2 weeks for shipping.  Each one is made specifically for you with your name inside.


Customer Reviews

Reviewed by John , 01/09/2011

Iya Vassa,

The Esu came today. The ori potion is amazing and the Esu is beyond anything I could have imagined. It is beautiful and has an Ase that has already started to vibrate throughout my house. It is wonderful.

You'll hear more as I regularly work with it. Thank you for the essence of Obatala energy and the message about coming to Florida sometime. I am planning. I think this summer will be a good time to consider. More photos and news to come as I connect and grow. This vibration is amazing.



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